Extracts from the book: Great Debators
The never Unending Story
So the multi million dollar question this book seeks to answer is; What makes a great debator?
My experience in debate has taught me alot about public speech than I ever imagined, my mind and whole being was opened up to a whole new life of experiences and life changing moments.
For some time I could not clearly comprehend how I was able to be the best debator in the country, go on to represent Uganda on and International stage and lead my team to the knockout round.
This book is meant to give you extracts from my own personal exprerience and the experience of many others, some of whom I still refer to as my mentors.
Debate is an art, infact I look at it more like acting, every single move an actor or actress does must be off script. Debate much as acting is something that is designed to be performed and performed well.
One US president is said to have occasionally rehearsed his speech about 50 time before his wife before he could go on television. Practice makes practice, a common saying we are most likely familiar with. But if no one is, and no one can be perfect, then why practice? Nice question. Perfection is a ideal to which we work so hard to emulate or better yet reach. So much as its humanly impossible to be perfect, its humanly possible to be within its reach.
This book is designed to make you the best debater there ever can be.
A speech has three segments, the intoduction, the body and the conclusion. A debeate speech equally followss the same formate. It is said that people will always most likely remember your opening and closing far more than the actual content itself.
This brings me to how the best debaters nail it from the word go. Great debaters always lookup to the unexpected, have you noticed that if a person says exactly or close to what you imagined he would say, your interest in his speech is significantly reduced? And have you noticed that some one who gets you off guard with his opening speech usually you are kept interested. I remember I my high school, every-time our head teacher stoop up to talk, about half of the school or even more rhymed with him in his opening words because they had become routine and easily predictable.
Great debaters have mastered the art of nailing it from the word go.
Great debators know how to get the audience to the edge of their seats by kicking off either with a quote, proverb, a saying, a peice of statistics, or even a pause. I will talk breifely about the above.
Quotes, sayings and proverbs. Its possible to use a quote, saying or proverb and still loss credibility, a poorly selected quote with an honest intention to impress may not just kill the credibility your speech but also his your general impression.
to be continued........................................