Wednesday, 1 July 2015


A lesson the Uganda can learn from UCU

ganda Christian University prides in maintaining a Christian Identity. Founded on the principles of the Church and with Christian values at the heart of its operations, the University has gone a notch higher in an attempt to maintain this identity by introducing a Christian element in its education curriculum and also in the way institution is run as a whole. 
 However this has not gone without criticism, given the University’s history as a theological college, many argue that after being made a university in 1997, perhaps that transition would include an identity that reflects a sort of new transformation or rather the start of a new page, but rather the theological college now turned into  a University maintained its former identity. This came with mixed reactions with a considerable majority or rather minority depending on how you choose to see it regarding UCU as a predominant conservative Christian University. A view that has left an impression within the minds of potential would be entrants into the Campus ponder widely about the option!

The facts on the ground however depict the direct opposite, as the perception is a misconception.  The university has in a unique way embraced the diversity that comes with the inflow of students from various backgrounds, tribes, religions, nationality and culture. There is no doubt as to the harmony enjoyed within the confines of the institution, a true reflection of an integrated community while in a unique way maintaining the Christian identity.
The central key in the debate is as to whether its stands to be logical for the University to maintain a Christian identity given this diversity.

My line of argument would lie best in support of maintaining the Christian identity, and this is not because I subscribe to the Christian faith but rather because am a great believer in remaining true to the principles and founding instruments of the University. The University of Cambridge prides in having maintained its traditions that traces back to 1209. Most critics have gone ahead to call it the traditional  school of Europe yet it stands to be among the most reputable Universities in the world. The state of Israel regardless of a history of turmoil has thrived because of the entrenched commitment to maintain the Jewish identity, its military and political strength is a pillar in the middle East, a force any world leader has to reckon with.  Its contribution to world politics and the world’s history in general would be immaterial had the Jewish identity been neglected or discarded.

The infamous Hitler of Germany opened war against the world because at the time he was convinced that the German identity was being threaten, the German economy was predominantly run by Jews at the time and given the outcomes of World war one that had left Germany reduced to ashes, Hitler rallied the entire world to revive the German pride. Regardless of the fateful outcomes, Germany as a state has fought hard to maintain the German pride, and as a result, Germany has gained its position in the world as the biggest economy in Europe and the epicenter center of European politics. This has all been made possible because of the energies the Germans invest in rubber stamping their identity; the German pride.
So the question of identity is at the heart of any serious institution, government  and state for that matter, it becomes an under laying ideology, a unifying factor for a common cause. Regardless of this fact however, a tolerant environment should be at play that accommodates a diversity of ideas, and cultures and one that seeks to harmonize the differences and direct them to a common cause. The desire to maintain an identity should nonetheless not threaten the existence of divergent ideologies, beliefs and convictions. A balance has to be struck.
It’s in this spirit that I quote Hattiloo Theatre, in these words that;

All individuals must feel free to explore the uniqueness of their culture and identity while developing understandings of the cultural diversity that exists in the world around them. Denying cultural expression means limiting the expression of unique perspectives on life and the transmission of knowledge from generation to generation”.
UCU has done a tremendous job of maintaining its Christian identity and remaining true to its founding principle at the same time providing an enabling ground for integration, cultural tolerance and harmonization. Therefore UCU poses to be the perfect example of a fully integrated society with an identity jealously guarded yet at the same time embracing diversity. Uganda as a state would learn a lot from this perfect example because diversity is a blessing and never a curse and  what unites us is greater than what divides us.

For God and my country
For the love of UCU.

[The article; The Christian Identity is written by Mwesigwa Onesmus a student of Law at Uganda Christian University, an ardent debater and a social and political analyst. 


  1. I can't agree with you more. The German moral has reminded me of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. German was forced to pay exorbitant reparations which were counter productive. The German coffers were drained empty. Intact German depended on American loans to pay much of the indemnity. But today many countries in Europe hang like chandeliers on the German ceiling. Greece is a perfect example. Again I can't agree with you more. This is an article from Venus.

  2. Thanks Ismael Mutagubya!
    The rise of German has put in a position to even be blamed for the collapse of the Greece economy! You do remember the austality measures imposed on Greece after their financial crisis was proposed by Germany because it had the money to bail out Greece!
